Our 15th Annual POW/MIA Memorial Golf Tournament is happening this year on Saturday August 19th, 2023 at 8:30 am. We'll be having it at Cypress Ridge Golf Course in Topeka, KS. If you haven't signed up yet with your team or to be a sponsor, please do so! POC for team registration and sponsorship is Brian, he can be reached at 

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I Fought For YOU! -

A moving, patriotic tribute to our military, past and present.

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Important info from National VFW

VFW at the Starting Gate for the 125th National Convention

LOUISVILLE - Iraq War Medal of Honor recipient, author and radio talk show host David Bellavia...

VFW Action Alert: Vote Yes to Include the Major Richard Star Act in the NDAA

More than 53,000 veterans have been discharged from military service because they sustained injuries while serving our country in...